Apache Maven Project

The Apache board has voted to make Maven into a top level Apache project. Congratulations to all the Maven dev team. It will be interesting to watch how Maven develops. I’m sure I’ll have more to say on this topic in future. For now, let me wish Jason, Dion and the other Maven developers lots of luck.

To Blog or Not to Blog

… that is the question. If you are reading this you’ll see that I’ve decided to try out blogging. I don’t know at this stage how I’ll go. I’ve never been much of a diarist. I’ve got a palm pilot but I don’t use the calendar. Well I did for the first few days but I soon grew tired of it. It’s the same story with todo lists, etc.

So, I don’t organise myself the way some folks seem to. Will blogging be any different for me? Perhaps. I can certainly see that many of the people with whom I interact in mailing list discussions are now blogging. Their blogging gives me a richer understanding of attitudes and backgrounds. What would be off-topic and even annoying on a mailing list is interesting in a blog. I’ve decided I want to participate and express some opinions. So here I am …